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Search Kanji for 叛乱を鎮める

riot; war; disorder; disturb

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Popularity rank: 755 Pinyin: luàn Korean: ran Hán-Việt: loạn
Stroke counts: 7 Grade level: 6 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-6-1


一心不乱[isshinfuran] wholeheartedly
淫乱[inran] debauched
潰乱[kairan] corruption (of order, customs, etc.)
快刀乱麻[kaitouranma] solving a problem swiftly and skillfully
怪力乱神[kairyokuranshin] supernatural things
外乱[gairan] noise (interference)
狂乱[kyouran] fury
胡乱[uron] suspicious looking
混乱[konran] disorder
咲乱れる[sakimidareru] to bloom in profusion
disobey; defy; go back on; rebel; rebellion

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Pinyin: pàn Korean: ban Hán-Việt: bạn
Stroke counts: 9 Skip code: 1-5-4


叛く[somuku] to run counter to
叛する[hansuru] to be contrary to
叛乱[hanran] insurrection
叛乱軍[hanrangun] rebel army
叛乱者[hanransha] rebel
叛意[hani] spirit of rebellion
叛軍[hangun] rebel army
叛将[hanshou] rebel leader
叛心[hanshin] rebellious spirit
叛臣[hanshin] rebellious retainer
tranquilize; ancient peace-preservation centers

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Popularity rank: 1617 Pinyin: zhèn Korean: jin Hán-Việt: trấn
Stroke counts: 18 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-8-10


重鎮[juuchin] leader
鎮木[chigi] ornamental crossed rafter ends on shrine gables
鎮圧[chinatsu] suppression
鎮火[chinka] extinguishing
鎮魂[chinkon] repose of souls
鎮魂ミサ曲[chinkonmisakyoku] Requiem Mass
鎮魂帰神[chinkonkishin] return to the divine through spiritual quietude
鎮魂曲[chinkonkyoku] requiem
鎮座[chinza] enshrinement
鎮守[chinju] local Shinto deity