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Search Kanji for 博多祇園山笠

Dr.; command; esteem; win acclaim; Ph.D.; exposition; fair

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Popularity rank: 794 Pinyin: Korean: bag Hán-Việt: bác
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-2-10


医博[ihaku] doctor of medicine
該博[gaihaku] profundity
該博な知識[gaihakunachishiki] profound knowledge
商学博士[shougakuhakushi] Doctor of Commercial Science
大英博物館[daieihakubutsukan] British Museum
賭博[tobaku] gambling
博愛[hakuai] charity
博愛家[hakuaika] philanthropist
博愛主義[hakuaishugi] philanthropism
博引傍証[hakuinboushou] citing copious references
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park; garden; yard; farm

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Popularity rank: 628 Pinyin: yuán Korean: weon Hán-Việt: viên
Stroke counts: 13 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 3-3-10


育児園[ikujien] baby nursery
園芸[engei] horticulture
園児[enji] kindergarten pupil
園長[enchou] head of a garden
園遊会[enyuukai] garden party
果樹園[kajuen] orchard
開園[kaien] opening, either for the day or a "grand opening" (e.g. theme park, botanical garden etc.)
学園[gakuen] academy
学園祭[gakuensai] school festival
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many; frequent; much

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Popularity rank: 139 Pinyin: duō Korean: da Hán-Việt: đa
Stroke counts: 6 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 3-3-3


於多福[otafuku] homely woman (esp. one with a small low nose, high flat forehead, and bulging cheeks)
圧倒的多数[attoutekitasuu] overwhelming numbers
一妻多夫[issaitafu] polyandry
一番多い[ichibanooi] most numerous
一夫多妻[ipputasai] polygamy
引く手数多[hikuteamata] being very popular
過多[kata] excess
幾多[ikuta] many
ご多忙中[gotabouchuu] in the midst of your work (often used as a formal phrase in business letters, etc.)
好事魔多し[koujimaooshi] Lights are usually followed by shadows
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Popularity rank: 131 Pinyin: shān Korean: san Hán-Việt: san, sơn
Stroke counts: 3 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 4-3-2


山梔子[kuchinashi] Cape jasmine (Gardenia jasminoides)
悪巫山戯[warufuzake] prank
安土桃山時代[azuchimomoyamajidai] Azuchi-Momoyama period (approx. 1558-1600 CE)
案山子[kakashi] scarecrow
奥山[okuyama] remote mountain
岡山県[okayamaken] Okayama prefecture (Chuugoku area)
下山[gezan] descending (mountain)
夏山[natsuyama] summery mountain
火山[kazan] volcano
火山灰[kazanbai] volcanic ash
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national or local god; peaceful; great

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Popularity rank: 2169 Pinyin: zhǐ, qí, zhī Korean: gi, ji Hán-Việt: kì, chỉ
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 9 Skip code: 1-5-4


祇園祭[gionmatsuri] Gion Festival (in Kyoto during the month of July, with high point on the 17th)
天神地祇[tenshinchigi] gods of heaven and earth
阿僧祇[asougi] a number so great it can never be counted to
祇園[gion] entertainment district in Kyoto
地祇[kunitsukami] gods of the land
神祇[jingi] gods of heaven and earth
神祇官[jingikan] Department of Divinities (1868-1871)
博多祇園山笠[hakatagionyamakasa] festival held in July in Fukuoka City
祇園会[gione] Gion Festival (in Kyoto during the month of July, with high point on the 17th)
神祇院[jingiin] Institute of Divinities (1940-1946)
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bamboo hat; one's influence

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Popularity rank: 1499 Pinyin: Korean: rib Hán-Việt: lạp
Stroke counts: 11 Grade level: 9 Skip code: 2-6-5


雨笠[amagasa] rain hat
笠子[kasago] scorpionfish
編笠[amigasa] braided hat
編笠茸[amigasatake] morel mushroom
松笠[matsubokkuri] pinecone
菅笠[sugegasa] sedge-woven (bamboo) hat
陣笠[jingasa] ancient soldier's straw hat
煙突の笠[entotsunokasa] chimney cap
笠に懸かる[kasanikakaru] to be highhanded
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