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Search Kanji for 半熟練工

half; middle; odd number; semi-; part-

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Popularity rank: 224 Pinyin: bàn Korean: ban Hán-Việt: bán
Stroke counts: 5 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 4-5-3


半平[hanpei] pounded fish cake
一紙半銭[isshihansen] small sum
一知半解[icchihankai] superficial knowledge
一半[ippan] half
印半天[shirushibanten] livery coat
下四半期[shimoshihanki] last quarter (of the year)
下半[kahan] lower half
過半[kahan] the greater part
過半数[kahansuu] majority
脚半[kyahan] gaiters
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
craft; construction; katakana e radical (no. 48)

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Popularity rank: 299 Pinyin: gōng Korean: gong Hán-Việt: công
Stroke counts: 3 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 4-3-1


ケーソン工法[keesonkouhou] caisson method
シールド工法[shiirudokouhou] shield method
ロボット工学[robottokougaku] robotics
圧延工場[atsuenkoujou] rolling mill
遺伝子工学[idenshikougaku] genetic engineering
印刷工[insatsukou] pressman
化学工学[kagakukougaku] chemical engineering
化学工業[kagakukougyou] chemical industry
化成工業[kaseikougyou] chemical industry
加工[kakou] manufacturing
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
mellow; ripen; mature; acquire skill

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Popularity rank: 1415 Pinyin: shóu, shú Korean: sug Hán-Việt: thục
Stroke counts: 15 Grade level: 6 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 2-10-4


熟々[tsukuzuku] completely
円熟[enjuku] ripeness
黄熟[koujuku] ripening and turning yellow
噛熟す[kamikonasu] to chew
完熟[kanjuku] completely ripe or mature
使い熟す[tsukaikonasu] to handle (men)
四字熟語[yojijukugo] four-character idiomatic compounds
修熟[shuujuku] developing skill
習熟[shuujuku] skilled
熟す[jukusu] to ripen
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
practice; gloss; train; drill; polish; refine

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Popularity rank: 788 Pinyin: liàn Korean: ryeon Hán-Việt: luyện
Stroke counts: 14 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-6-8


演奏練習[ensourenshuu] musical rehearsal
教練[kyouren] drill
訓練[kunren] practice
軍事教練[gunjikyouren] military training
軍事訓練[gunjikunren] military exercise
試練[shiren] test
手練手管[terentekuda] wiles
修練者[shuurensha] (Catholic) neophyte
熟練[jukuren] skill
洗練[senren] polish
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0