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Search Kanji for 勉強始

exertion; endeavour; encourage; strive; make effort; diligent

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Popularity rank: 1066 Pinyin: miǎn Korean: myeon Hán-Việt: miễn
Stroke counts: 10 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 3-8-2


我利勉[gariben] drudge
俄勉強[niwakabenkyou] cramming
勉める[tsutomeru] to endeavor (endeavour)
勤勉[kinben] diligent
刻苦勉励[kokkubenrei] being arduous
試験勉強[shikenbenkyou] cramming for exams
勉めて[tsutomete] as much as possible
不勉強[fubenkyou] idleness
勉学[bengaku] study
勉強[benkyou] study
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
commence; begin

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Popularity rank: 244 Pinyin: shǐ Korean: si Hán-Việt: thủy, thí
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 1-3-5


まず隗より始めよ[mazukaiyorihajimeyo] start with the first step
テキスト開始[tekisutokaishi] start of text
ヘッディング開始[heddingukaishi] start of heading
一部始終[ichibushijuu] full particulars
開始[kaishi] start
月始め[tsukihajime] beginning of month
元始[genshi] origin
元始祭[genshisai] Festival of Origins (January 3)
原始[genshi] origin
原始教会[genshikyoukai] the early church
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0

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Popularity rank: 112 Pinyin: qiáng, jiàng, qiǎng Korean: gang Hán-Việt: cường, cưỡng
Stroke counts: 11 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 1-3-8


カーソル強調[kaasorukyouchou] cursored emphasis
意志の強い[ishinotsuyoi] strong-minded
引き剥し強度[hikihagashikyoudo] peel strength (conductor from substrate)
引っ張り剪断強度[hipparisendankyoudo] peel strength (conductor from substrate)
俄勉強[niwakabenkyou] cramming
簡明強固[kanmeikyouko] plain and sturdy
関係強化[kankeikyouka] strengthening of relations
頑強[gankyou] dogged
強い[tsuyoi] strong
強いて[shiite] by force
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0