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Search Kanji for 劇暑

drama; play

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Popularity rank: 662 Pinyin: Korean: geug Hán-Việt: kịch
Stroke counts: 15 Grade level: 6 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-13-2


演劇[engeki] drama
歌劇[kageki] opera
楽劇[gakugeki] musical play
活劇[katsugeki] action picture
勧善懲悪劇[kanzenchouakugeki] morality play
観劇[kangeki] theatre-going
喜歌劇[kikageki] comic opera
喜劇[kigeki] comedy
喜劇映画[kigekieiga] comic film
急劇[kyuugeki] sudden
sultry; hot; summer heat

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Popularity rank: 1442 Pinyin: shǔ Korean: seo Hán-Việt: thử
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 3-8-4


炎暑[ensho] heat wave
寒暑[kansho] hot and cold
劇暑[gekisho] severe heat
厳暑[gensho] extreme heat
向暑[kousho] facing the heat
酷暑[kokusho] intense heat
残暑[zansho] late summer heat
暑い[atsui] hot (weather, etc.)
暑がり[atsugari] (person) sensitive to heat
暑さ[atsusa] heat (of the weather)