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Search Kanji for 分娩作用

make; production; prepare; build

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Popularity rank: 103 Pinyin: zuō, zuò, zuó Korean: jag, ja, ju Hán-Việt: tác
Stroke counts: 7 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 1-2-5


遺作[isaku] posthumous works
一毛作[ichimousaku] (a) single crop
稲作[inasaku] rice cultivation
永小作[eikosaku] perpetual land lease
永子作権[eikosakuken] perpetual land lease
英作文[eisakubun] English composition
遠隔操作[enkakusousa] remote control
佳作[kasaku] good piece of work
家作[kasaku] making house
寡作[kasaku] low production
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
part; minute of time; segment; share; degree; one's lot; duty; understand; know; rate; 1%; chances; shaku; 100

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Popularity rank: 24 Pinyin: fēn, fèn Korean: bun Hán-Việt: phân, phần, phận
Stroke counts: 4 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 2-2-2


グループ分離キャラクタ[guruupubunrikyarakuta] group separator
システム分析[shisutemubunseki] systems analysis
ファイル分離キャラクタ[fairubunrikyarakuta] file separator
ユニット分離キャラクタ[yunittobunrikyarakuta] unit separator
レコード分離キャラクタ[rekoodobunrikyarakuta] record separator
異分子[ibunshi] outsider
医薬分業[iyakubungyou] separation of medical and dispensary practice (practise)
一回分[ikkaibun] dose
一部分[ichibubun] part
一分[ichibu] one tenth
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
bear (children)

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Pinyin: miǎn, wǎn Korean: man Hán-Việt: vãn, miễn, phiền
Stroke counts: 11 Grade level: 9 Skip code: 1-3-7


分娩[bunben] delivery
分娩臥床[bunbengashou] lying-in bed
分娩期[bunbenki] time of delivery (of a child)
分娩作用[bunbensayou] delivery
分娩時[bunbenji] time of delivery (of a child)
無痛分娩[mutsuubunben] painless childbirth
異常分娩[ijoubunben] abnormal delivery
自然分娩[shizenbunben] natural childbirth
分娩室[bunbenshitsu] maternity room
多胎分娩[tataibunben] (a) multiple birth
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
utilize; business; service; use; employ

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Popularity rank: 107 Pinyin: yòng Korean: yong Hán-Việt: dụng
Stroke counts: 5 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 4-5-1


コンピューター援用生産[konpyuutaaenyouseisan] computer-aided manufacture
コンピューター援用設計[konpyuutaaenyousekkei] computer-aided design
コンピュータ用語[konpyuutayougo] computerese
スキー用品[sukiiyouhin] ski outfit
愛用[aiyou] favorite
悪用[akuyou] abuse
医学用語[igakuyougo] medical term
医用[iyou] medical use
医療用[iryouyou] medical use
一人用[hitoriyou] for one person's use
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0