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Search Kanji for 分別蒸留

part; minute of time; segment; share; degree; one's lot; duty; understand; know; rate; 1%; chances; shaku; 100

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Popularity rank: 24 Pinyin: fēn, fèn Korean: bun Hán-Việt: phân, phần, phận
Stroke counts: 4 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 2-2-2


グループ分離キャラクタ[guruupubunrikyarakuta] group separator
システム分析[shisutemubunseki] systems analysis
ファイル分離キャラクタ[fairubunrikyarakuta] file separator
ユニット分離キャラクタ[yunittobunrikyarakuta] unit separator
レコード分離キャラクタ[rekoodobunrikyarakuta] record separator
異分子[ibunshi] outsider
医薬分業[iyakubungyou] separation of medical and dispensary practice (practise)
一回分[ikkaibun] dose
一部分[ichibubun] part
一分[ichibu] one tenth
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separate; branch off; diverge; fork; another; extra; specially

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Popularity rank: 214 Pinyin: bié Korean: byeol Hán-Việt: biệt
Stroke counts: 7 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 1-5-2


お別れ[owakare] farewell
哀別[aibetsu] sad parting
一分別[hitofunbetsu] careful consideration
一別[ichibetsu] parting
永別[eibetsu] last farewell
格別[kakubetsu] exceptional
鑑別[kanbetsu] discrimination
泣別れ[nakiwakare] part in tears
區別[kubetsu] distinction
訣別[ketsubetsu] separation
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
detain; fasten; halt; stop

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Popularity rank: 731 Pinyin: liú Korean: ryu Hán-Việt: lưu
Stroke counts: 10 Grade level: 5 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 2-5-5


慰留[iryuu] dissuasion from resigning or leaving
遺留[iryuu] bequest
遺留品[iryuuhin] lost articles
押し留める[oshitodomeru] to stop
寄留[kiryuu] temporary residence
居留[kyoryuu] residence
居留守[irusu] pretending to be out
居留地[kyoryuuchi] foreign settlement
局留め[kyokudome] general delivery
繋留[keiryuu] mooring
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steam; heat; sultry; foment; get musty

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Popularity rank: 1552 Pinyin: zhēng Korean: jeung Hán-Việt: chưng
Stroke counts: 13 Grade level: 6 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 2-3-9


薫蒸消毒[kunjoushoudoku] fumigation
蒸かす[fukasu] to steam
蒸ける[fukeru] to become ready to eat (as a result of steaming)
蒸暑い[mushiatsui] humid
蒸し蒸し[mushimushi] hot and humid
蒸し返す[mushikaesu] to reheat
蒸す[musu] to steam
蒸らす[murasu] to cook by steam
蒸れる[mureru] to be stuffy
蒸汽[jouki] steam
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