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Search Kanji for 冪集合羃

power; exponent

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Pinyin: Korean: myeog Hán-Việt: mịch
Stroke counts: 15 Skip code: 2-2-13


乗冪[joubeki] power
冪乗[bekijou] a power
冪零[bekirei] nilpotent
冪乗演算子[bekijouenzanshi] exponential operator (**)
冪集合[bekishuugou] power set
冪級数[bekikyuusuu] power series
冪々[bekibeki] billowing (clouds, dust)
2の冪[ninobeki] power of two
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
fit; suit; join; 0.1

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Popularity rank: 41 Pinyin: Korean: hab Hán-Việt: hợp, cáp, hiệp
Stroke counts: 6 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 2-2-4


いかなる場合でも[ikanarubaaidemo] in any case
このような場合に[konoyounabaaini] in this kind of situation
この場合[konobaai] in this case
そうでない場合は[soudenaibaaiha] if this is not the case
その場合には[sonobaainiha] in that case
繋ぎ合わせる[tsunagiawaseru] to connect
どの場合にも[donobaainimo] in any case
シアン化合物[shiankagoubutsu] cyanide
ボクシングの試合[bokushingunoshiai] boxing bout
亜米利加合衆国[amerikagasshuukoku] United States of America
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
power; exponent

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Pinyin: Korean: myeog Hán-Việt: mạc
Stroke counts: 18 Skip code: 2-5-13


乗羃[joubeki] power
羃集合[bekishuugou] power set
羃級数[bekikyuusuu] power series
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
gather; meet; congregate; swarm; flock

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Popularity rank: 210 Pinyin: Korean: jib Hán-Việt: tập
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 2-8-4


ゴミ集積場[gomishuusekijou] village garbage collection point
英字集合[eijishuugou] alphabetic character set
家集[kashuu] poet's poetical works
歌集[kashuu] anthology
画集[gashuu] book of paintings in print
会集[kaishuu] audience
解集合[kaishuugou] set of solutions
寄集め[yoseatsume] mish-mash
寄せ集める[yoseatsumeru] to put together
寄り集まる[yoriatsumaru] to gather together
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0