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Search Kanji for 六尺棒


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Popularity rank: 93 Pinyin: liù, lù Korean: ryug Hán-Việt: lục
Stroke counts: 4 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 2-2-2


一六銀行[ichirokuginkou] pawnshop
一六勝負[ichirokushoubu] gambling
五臓六腑[gozouroppu] the internal organs
三十六計[sanjuurokkei] the 36 (ancient Chinese military) strategies (of which the last resort was said to be beating a retreat)
三面六臂[sanmenroppi] rush of business
四六時中[shirokujichuu] around the clock
十六[juuroku] 16
十六音符[juurokuonpu] 16th note
十六夜[izayoi] sixteen-day-old moon
上方贅六[kamigatazeiroku] people of the Kyoto area
shaku; Japanese foot; measure; scale; rule

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Popularity rank: 1940 Pinyin: chǐ, chě Korean: cheog Hán-Việt: xích
Stroke counts: 4 Grade level: 6 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 3-3-1


一尺[isshaku] approx. 30 cm
滑り尺[suberijaku] slide rule
計算尺[keisanjaku] slide rule
三尺[sanjaku] 3 Japanese feet
三尺の秋水[sanjakunoshuusui] sharpened sword
三尺の童子[sanjakunodouji] mere child
三尺帯[sanjakuobi] waistband
尺貫法[shakkanhou] old Japanese system of weights and measures
尺度[shakudo] linear measure
rod; stick; cane; pole; club; line

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Popularity rank: 1455 Pinyin: bàng Korean: bong, bang Hán-Việt: bổng
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 6 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-4-8


ぶっきら棒[bukkirabou] curt
警棒[keibou] baton
健棒[kenbou] good batting
合い棒[aibou] companion
指揮棒[shikibou] conductor's stick
心棒[shinbou] shaft
辛棒[shinbou] patience
針小棒大[shinshouboudai] exaggeration
先棒[sakibou] front palanquin bearer
相棒[aibou] partner