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Search Kanji for 八目鰻

eight; eight radical (no. 12)

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Popularity rank: 92 Pinyin: bā, bá Korean: pal Hán-Việt: bát
Stroke counts: 2 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 1-1-1


一か八か[ichikabachika] sink or swim
嘘っ八[usoppachi] downright lie
嘘っ八百[usoppappyaku] full of lies
嘘八百[usohappyaku] full of lies
八釜しい[kamabisushii] noisy
口八丁[kuchihacchou] voluble
三十八度線[sanjuuhachidosen] the Thirty-eighth Parallel
四苦八苦[shikuhakku] being in dire distress
四通八達[shitsuuhattatsu] traffic network extending in all directions
四方八方[shihouhappou] in all directions
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
eye; class; look; insight; experience; care; favor

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Popularity rank: 76 Pinyin: Korean: mog Hán-Việt: mục
Stroke counts: 5 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 4-5-1


御目出度う御座います[omedetougozaimasu] congratulations
駄目になる[dameninaru] to spoil
繋ぎ目[tsunagime] joint
軽目焼[karumeyaki] hard caramelized sugar candy
駄目押し[dameoshi] making doubly sure
一つ目[hitotsume] one-eyed
一合目[ichigoume] the start of a climb up a hill
一丁目[icchoume] Block 1
ひと目[ichimoku] (a) glance
一目惚れ[hitomebore] to be taken with someone at first sight (similar to "love at first sight", but not as strong)
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0

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Pinyin: mán Korean: man Hán-Việt: man
Stroke counts: 22 Skip code: 1-11-11


鰻丼[unagidonburi] bowl of eel and rice (donburi)
海鰻[anago] garden eel
針鰻[hariunagi] elver (type of eel)
鰻登り[unaginobori] rapid promotion
八目鰻[yatsumeunagi] lamprey
鰻屋[unagiya] eel restaurant
鰻巻き[umaki] skewered eel roasted and wrapped in fried egg
鰻筒[unagizutsu] eel trap
日本鰻[nihonunagi] Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica)
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0