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Search Kanji for 八卦掌

eight; eight radical (no. 12)

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Popularity rank: 92 Pinyin: bā, bá Korean: pal Hán-Việt: bát
Stroke counts: 2 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 1-1-1


一か八か[ichikabachika] sink or swim
嘘っ八[usoppachi] downright lie
嘘っ八百[usoppappyaku] full of lies
嘘八百[usohappyaku] full of lies
八釜しい[kamabisushii] noisy
口八丁[kuchihacchou] voluble
三十八度線[sanjuuhachidosen] the Thirty-eighth Parallel
四苦八苦[shikuhakku] being in dire distress
四通八達[shitsuuhattatsu] traffic network extending in all directions
四方八方[shihouhappou] in all directions
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
a divination sign

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Pinyin: guà Korean: gwae Hán-Việt: quái
Stroke counts: 8 Skip code: 1-6-2


卦算[keisan] paperweight
八卦[hakke] eight trigrams
八卦掌[hakkeshou] eight trigrams palm
本卦帰り[honkegaeri] reaching age of 60
有卦[uke] streak of good luck
六十四卦[rokujuushike] the 64 hexagrams (of the Book of Changes)
卦体糞悪い[kettakusowarui] extremely vexing
卦算冠[keisankanmuri] kanji "kettle lid" radical (radical 8)
卦辞[kaji] commentary (on any of the 64 hexagrams in the Book of Changes)
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
manipulate; rule; administer; conduct; palm of hand

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Popularity rank: 1757 Pinyin: zhǎng Korean: jang Hán-Việt: chưởng
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 2-3-9


管掌[kanshou] taking charge
合掌[gasshou] pressing one's hands together in prayer
掌る[tsukasadoru] to rule
車掌[shashou] (train) conductor
手掌[shushou] palmar
掌握[shouaku] grasping
掌中[shouchuu] in the hand
掌中の玉[shouchuunotama] apple of one's eye
掌紋[shoumon] palm print
掌理[shouri] rule of law
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0