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Search Kanji for 全国津々浦

whole; entire; all; complete; fulfill

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Popularity rank: 75 Pinyin: quán Korean: jeon Hán-Việt: toàn
Stroke counts: 6 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 2-2-4


安全[anzen] safety
安全域[anzeniki] safety margin
安全運転[anzenunten] safe driving
安全器[anzenki] safety device
安全期[anzenki] safe period
安全教育[anzenkyouiku] safety education
安全性[anzensei] safety
安全対策[anzentaisaku] safety measure
安全第一[anzendaiichi] safety first
安全地帯[anzenchitai] safety zone
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0

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Popularity rank: 3 Pinyin: guó Korean: gug Hán-Việt: quốc
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 3-3-5


タイ国[taikoku] Thailand
ドイツ民主共和国[doitsuminshukyouwakoku] German Democratic Republic (i.e. former East Germany)
ドイツ連邦共和国[doitsurenpoukyouwakoku] Federal Republic of Germany (former West Germany)
亜米利加合衆国[amerikagasshuukoku] United States of America
愛国[aikoku] love of (one's) country
愛国者[aikokusha] patriot
愛国主義[aikokushugi] nationalism
愛国心[aikokushin] patriotic feelings
夷国[ikoku] land of the barbarians
異国[ikoku] foreign country
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
haven; port; harbor; ferry

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Popularity rank: 1036 Pinyin: jīn Korean: jin Hán-Việt: tân
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-3-6


会津塗[aizunuri] Aizu lacquer ware
津浪[tsunami] tsunami
天津[amatsu] heavenly
天津乙女[amatsuotome] celestial maiden
天津御姉[amatsumiko] emperor
天津御祖[amatsumioya] imperial ancestor
入津[nyuushin] entering a port
綿津見[kaijin] sea god
天津神[amatsukami] heavenly gods
天津日嗣[amatsuhitsugi] imperial throne
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
bay; creek; inlet; gulf; beach; seacoast

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Popularity rank: 977 Pinyin: Korean: po Hán-Việt: phổ, phố
Stroke counts: 10 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-3-7


浦波[uranami] (seaside) breakers
浦辺[urabe] seacoast
全国津津浦浦[zenkokutsutsuuraura] all over the country
津々浦々[tsuzuuraura] all over the country
浦風[urakaze] sea breeze
浦里[urazato] village by the sea
浦人[urabito] seaside dweller
浦曲[urama] coastal indentations
曲浦[kyokuho] winding coast (beach)
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0