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Search Kanji for 充当金

allot; fill

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Popularity rank: 949 Pinyin: chōng Korean: chung Hán-Việt: sung
Stroke counts: 6 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 2-4-2


充てがう[ategau] to allot
拡充[kakujuu] expansion
経営基盤の充実[keieikibannojuujitsu] fulfillment of management base
事業拡充[jigyoukakujuu] business expansion
充てる[ateru] to assign
充溢[juuitsu] overflow
充員[juuin] reserves
充血[juuketsu] congestion (with blood)
充血した[juuketsushita] congested
充血した目[juuketsushitame] inflamed eyes
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
hit; right; appropriate; himself

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Popularity rank: 91 Pinyin: dāng, dàng Korean: dang Hán-Việt: đương, đang, đáng
Stroke counts: 6 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 2-3-3


に当たって[niatatte] at the time of (ind. opportunity or situation where something should be done)
一騎当千[ikkitousen] being a match for a thousand
一指当たり[ichiyubiatari] span
一人当たり[hitoriatari] per person
一人当て[hitoriate] per person
引当[hikiate] mortgage
引当金[hikiatekin] reserves
押し当てる[oshiateru] to push (something) against
穏当[ontou] proper
過当[katou] excessive
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0

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Popularity rank: 53 Pinyin: jīn Korean: gim, geum Hán-Việt: kim
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 2-2-6


御金[okane] money
金糸雀[kinshijaku] canary (esp. the island canary, Serinus canaria)
違約金[iyakukin] penalty for contract breach
一刻千金[ikkokusenkin] every moment is precious
一字千金[ichijisenkin] word of great value
一時金[ichijikin] lump sum
一時賜金[ichijishikin] lump-sum grant
引き金を引く[hikiganewohiku] to pull the trigger
引当金[hikiatekin] reserves
隠れ借金[kakureshakkin] hidden debts
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0