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Search Kanji for 停まる

halt; stopping

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Popularity rank: 733 Pinyin: tíng Korean: jeong Hán-Việt: đình
Stroke counts: 11 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-2-9


バス停[basutei] bus stop
運転停止[untenteishi] suspension of operations
各駅停車[kakuekiteisha] train that stops at every station
急停車[kyuuteisha] (coming to a) sudden stop
停まる[tomaru] to stop (moving)
停める[tomeru] to stop (something or someone)
出港停止[shukkouteishi] embargo
心停止[shinteishi] cardiac arrest
即時停戦[sokujiteisen] immediate cease-fire
駐停車[chuuteisha] stopping or parking a vehicle
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