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Search Kanji for 係属繋

person in charge; connection; duty; concern oneself

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Popularity rank: 232 Pinyin: Korean: gye Hán-Việt: hệ
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-2-7


案内係[annaigakari] clerk at the information desk
因果関係[ingakankei] consequence
外交関係[gaikoukankei] diplomatic relations
勘定係[kanjougakari] cashier
関係[kankei] relation
関係つける[kankeitsukeru] to relate
関係会社[kankeigaisha] affiliated company
関係強化[kankeikyouka] strengthening of relations
関係者[kankeisha] authorized people
求職係[kyuushokugakari] applicant interviewer
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
belong; genus; subordinate official; affiliated

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Popularity rank: 912 Pinyin: shǔ, zhǔ Korean: chog, sog Hán-Việt: chúc, thuộc, chú
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 5 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 3-3-9


亜属[azoku] subgenus
帰属[kizoku] belonging to
貴金属[kikinzoku] precious metal
近縁属[kinenzoku] related genera
金属[kinzoku] metal
金属間[kinzokukan] intermetallic
金属探知機[kinzokutanchiki] metal detector
軍属[gunzoku] civilian in military employ
繋属[keizoku] relationship
係属中[keizokuchuu] pending (e.g. legal case)
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
tie; fasten; chain; tether; connect

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Pinyin: xì, jì Korean: gye Hán-Việt:
Stroke counts: 19 Skip code: 2-13-6


繋ぎあわせる[tsunagiawaseru] to connect
繋ぎ目[tsunagime] joint
繋船[keisen] mooring (a ship)
繋争[keisou] contention
繋属[keizoku] relationship
繋留[keiryuu] mooring
繋累[keirui] dependents
繋がり[tsunagari] connection
繋がる[tsunagaru] to be tied together
繋ぎ[tsunagi] stopgap measure
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0