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Search Kanji for 体当たり

body; substance; object; reality; counter for images

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Popularity rank: 88 Pinyin: tǐ, bèn Korean: che Hán-Việt: thể
Stroke counts: 7 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 1-2-5


ニュース媒体[nyuusubaitai] news media
圧力団体[atsuryokudantai] pressure group
安定同位体[anteidouitai] stable isotope
意識体[ishikitai] discarnate entity
為体[teitaraku] state of affairs
異性体[iseitai] isomer
異体[itai] different body
異体字[itaiji] kanji variants
移動体[idoutai] moving body
遺体[itai] corpse
hit; right; appropriate; himself

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Popularity rank: 91 Pinyin: dāng, dàng Korean: dang Hán-Việt: đương, đang, đáng
Stroke counts: 6 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 2-3-3


に当たって[niatatte] at the time of (ind. opportunity or situation where something should be done)
一騎当千[ikkitousen] being a match for a thousand
一指当たり[ichiyubiatari] span
一人当たり[hitoriatari] per person
一人当て[hitoriate] per person
引当[hikiate] mortgage
引当金[hikiatekin] reserves
押し当てる[oshiateru] to push (something) against
穏当[ontou] proper
過当[katou] excessive