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Search Kanji for 伝送経路遅延

transmit; go along; walk along; follow; report; communicate; legend; tradition

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Popularity rank: 416 Pinyin: yún Korean: jeon Hán-Việt:
Stroke counts: 6 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-2-4


お手伝いさん[otetsudaisan] maid
シリアル伝送[shiriarudensou] serial transmission
以心伝心[ishindenshin] telepathy
遺伝[iden] heredity
遺伝暗号[idenangou] genetic code
遺伝因子組替え[ideninshikumikae] recombinant gene splicing
遺伝学[idengaku] genetics
遺伝子[idenshi] gene
遺伝子工学[idenshikougaku] genetic engineering
遺伝情報[idenjouhou] genetic information
prolong; stretching

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Popularity rank: 747 Pinyin: yán Korean: yeon Hán-Việt: diên
Stroke counts: 7 Grade level: 6 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 3-2-5


蔓延る[habikoru] to spread
延いては[hiiteha] not only ... but also
圧延[atsuen] rolling
圧延機[atsuenki] rolling machine
圧延工場[atsuenkoujou] rolling mill
圧延鋼[atsuenkou] rolled steel
雨天順延[utenjunen] rescheduled in case of rain
延び延び[nobinobi] stretching
延び延びになる[nobinobininaru] to be delayed
延べ[nobe] futures
sutra; longitude; pass thru; expire; warp

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Popularity rank: 79 Pinyin: jīng, jìng Korean: gyeong Hán-Việt:
Stroke counts: 11 Grade level: 5 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-6-5


易経[ekikyou] I Ching (Yi Jing) or The Book of Changes - one of the Five Classics
一切経[issaikyou] complete Buddhist scriptures
運動神経[undoushinkei] motor nerves
規模の経済[kibonokeizai] economies of scale
共同経営[kyoudoukeiei] joint management
経つ[tatsu] to pass
経る[heru] to pass
経緯[ikisatsu] details
経営[keiei] management
経営グループ[keieiguruupu] management group
path; route; road; distance

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Popularity rank: 529 Pinyin: Korean: ro Hán-Việt: lộ
Stroke counts: 13 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-7-6


悪路[akuro] bad road
闇路[yamiji] dark road
一日路[ichinichiji] day's journey
一路[ichiro] one road
迂路[uro] detour
沿路[enro] route
遠路[enro] long road
往路[ouro] outward journey
家路[ieji] the road home
回り路[mawarimichi] detour
escort; send

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Popularity rank: 311 Pinyin: sòng Korean: song Hán-Việt: tống
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 3-2-6


シリアル伝送[shiriarudensou] serial transmission
テレビ放送[terebihousou] telecast
移送[isou] transfer
医療輸送機[iryouyusouki] medical transport (plane)
運送屋[unsouya] forwarding agency
運送会社[unsougaisha] shipping company
衛星放送[eiseihousou] satellite broadcasting
回送[kaisou] forwarding
歓送[kansou] hearty send-off
歓送会[kansoukai] farewell party
slow; late; back; later

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Popularity rank: 833 Pinyin: chí Korean: ji Hán-Việt: trì
Stroke counts: 11 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 3-3-9


月遅れ[tsukiokure] a month or older
遅れをとる[okurewotoru] to fall behind
今や遅しと[imayaososhito] impatiently
手遅れ[teokure] being (too) late
出し遅れ[dashiokure] belated
出遅れる[deokureru] to get a late start
乗り遅れる[noriokureru] to miss (train, bus, etc.)
申し遅れる[moushiokureru] to be slow in saying
足が遅い[ashigaosoi] to be slow-footed
遅い[osoi] slow