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Search Kanji for 他府県

other; another; the others

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Popularity rank: 543 Pinyin: Korean: ta Hán-Việt: tha
Stroke counts: 5 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-2-3


其の他[sonohoka] etc.
愛他主義[aitashugi] altruism
他に[hokani] in addition
他に何か[hokaninanika] is there anything else?
自他[jita] oneself and others
殊の他[kotonohoka] exceedingly
他人事[taningoto] other people's affairs
他の物[tanomono] the other thing
他愛[taai] altruism
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
borough; urban prefecture; govt office; representative body; storehouse

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Popularity rank: 170 Pinyin: Korean: bu Hán-Việt: phủ
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 3-3-5


仮政府[kariseifu] provisional government
学府[gakufu] educational institution
京都府[kyoutofu] Kyoto (metropolitan area)
軍政府[gunseifu] military government
元帥府[gensuifu] Supreme Military Council (1898-1945)
行政府[gyouseifu] the government
三府[sanpu] the Three Urban Prefectures
暫定政府[zanteiseifu] interim government
首府[shufu] capital
出府[shuppu] going to the capital
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0

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Popularity rank: 140 Pinyin: xiàn Korean: hyeon Hán-Việt:
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 3-4-5


愛知県[aichiken] Aichi prefecture (Chuubu area)
愛媛県[ehimeken] Ehime prefecture (Shikoku)
茨城県[ibarakiken] Ibaraki prefecture (Kantou area)
岡山県[okayamaken] Okayama prefecture (Chuugoku area)
沖縄県[okinawaken] Okinawa prefecture (including Okinawa island)
各県[kakuken] all prefectures
岩手県[iwateken] Iwate prefecture (Tohoku area)
岐阜県[gifuken] Gifu prefecture (Chuubu area)
宮崎県[miyazakiken] Miyazaki prefecture (Kyushu)
宮城県[miyagiken] Miyagi prefecture (Tohoku area)
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0