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Search Kanji for 亜炭

Asia; rank next; come after; -ous

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Popularity rank: 1509 Pinyin: Korean: a Hán-Việt: á
Stroke counts: 7 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 4-7-1


亜細亜[ajia] Asia (esp. "the Far East")
寒武利亜[kanburia] Cambria (old name for Wales)
亜鉛[aen] zinc (Zn)
亜鉛引[aenbiki] zinc coated (galvanized, galvanised)
亜鉛華[aenka] zinc white
亜鉛凸版[aentoppan] photoengraving
亜鉛板[aenban] zinc plate
亜鉛版[aenban] zinc etching
亜鉛末[aenmatsu] zinc dust
亜欧[aou] Asia and Europe
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
charcoal; coal

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Popularity rank: 1307 Pinyin: tàn Korean: tan Hán-Việt: thán
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 3-5-4


亜炭[atan] lignite
一酸化炭素[issankatanso] carbon monoxide
活性炭[kasseitan] activated charcoal
褐炭[kattan] brown coal
含水炭素[gansuitanso] carbohydrate
黒炭[kokutan] bituminous coal
採炭[saitan] coal mining
載炭[saitan] coaling
重炭酸曹達[juutansansouda] sodium bicarbonate
出炭[shuttan] coal production
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0