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Search Kanji for 五等爵


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Popularity rank: 31 Pinyin: Korean: o Hán-Việt: ngũ
Stroke counts: 4 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 4-4-1


九寸五分[kusungobu] dagger
弦楽五重奏曲[gengakugojuusoukyoku] string quintet
五つ[itsutsu] five
五つ子[itsutsugo] quintuplets
五悪[goaku] the five sins in Buddhism (murder, theft, adultery, falsehood and drink)
五音々階[goononkai] pentatonic scale
五戒[gokai] the five precepts (prohibitions against killing, theft, sexual misconduct, lying and intemperance)
五官[gokan] the five sense organs
五感[gokan] the five senses
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
baron; peerage; court rank

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Pinyin: jué Korean: jag Hán-Việt: tước
Stroke counts: 17 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 2-9-8


勲爵[kunshaku] peerage and order of merit
侯爵[koushaku] marquis
侯爵夫人[koushakufujin] marchioness
公爵[koushaku] prince
公爵夫人[koushakufujin] princess
爵位[shakui] peerage
授爵[jushaku] elevation to peerage
襲爵[shuushaku] succession to the peerage
叙爵[joshaku] conferring a peerage
人爵[jinshaku] worldly honors
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
etc.; and so forth; class (first); quality; equal; similar

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Popularity rank: 798 Pinyin: děng Korean: deung Hán-Việt: đẳng
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 2-6-6


是等[korera] these
其等[sorera] those (near the second person)
等閑[naozari] neglect
悪平等[akubyoudou] misguided equality
位階勲等[ikaikuntou] court rank and honors
一等[ittou] first-class
1等軍曹[ittougunsou] sergeant first-class
1等国[ittoukoku] first-class power
1等車[ittousha] first-class carriage (coach)
1等賞[ittoushou] first place prize
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0