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Search Kanji for 乾葡萄干

drought; dry; dessicate; drink up; heaven; emperor

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Popularity rank: 1453 Pinyin: gān, qián Korean: gan, geon Hán-Việt: can, kiền, càn
Stroke counts: 11 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-8-4


飲乾す[nomihosu] to drink up
乾かす[kawakasu] to dry (clothes, etc.)
乾き[kawaki] drying
乾く[kawaku] to get dry
乾せる[kaseru] to dry up
乾びる[karabiru] to dry up
乾パン[kanpan] cracker
乾果[kanka] dry fruit (i.e. nuts)
乾菓子[higashi] dried candies
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
dry; parch

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Popularity rank: 1349 Pinyin: gān, gàn Korean: gan, gang Hán-Việt: can, cán
Stroke counts: 3 Grade level: 6 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 4-3-1


飲干す[nomihosu] to drink up
刈り干す[karihosu] to cut and dry (in the sun)
干菓子[higashi] dried candies
乾干し[karaboshi] sun-dried fish or vegetables
干物[hoshimono] things dried in the sun (esp. clothes, dyed cloth, etc.)
干し固める[hoshikatameru] to dry until stiff
干草[hoshigusa] hay
干る[hiru] to dry
干害[kangai] drought disaster
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
grape vine; wild grape

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Pinyin: táo Korean: do Hán-Việt: đào
Stroke counts: 11 Grade level: 9 Skip code: 2-4-8


葡萄牙[porutogaru] Portugal
葡萄[budou] grape
葡萄酒[budoushu] (grape) wine
葡萄棚[budoudana] grapevine trellis
葡萄糖[budoutou] grape sugar
干葡萄[hoshibudou] raisin
野葡萄[nobudou] wild grape
山葡萄[yamabudou] crimson glory vine (species of grapevine, Vitis Coignetiae)
赤葡萄酒[akabudoushu] red wine
白葡萄酒[shirobudoushu] white wine
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
wild grape; Portugal

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Pinyin: Korean: po Hán-Việt: bồ
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 9 Skip code: 2-4-9


葡萄牙[porutogaru] Portugal
日葡辞書[nippojisho] Vocabvlario da Lingoa de Iapam (Japanese-Portuguese dictionary, published 1603-1604)
葡萄[budou] grape
葡萄酒[budoushu] (grape) wine
葡萄棚[budoudana] grapevine trellis
葡萄糖[budoutou] grape sugar
干葡萄[hoshibudou] raisin
野葡萄[nobudou] wild grape
山葡萄[yamabudou] crimson glory vine (species of grapevine, Vitis Coignetiae)
赤葡萄酒[akabudoushu] red wine
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0