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Search Kanji for 乳繰

milk; breasts

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Popularity rank: 1289 Pinyin: Korean: yu Hán-Việt: nhũ
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 6 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-6-1


加糖粉乳[katoufunnyuu] sweetened powdered milk
乾燥牛乳[kansougyuunyuu] powdered milk
牛乳[gyuunyuu] (cow's) milk
牛乳屋[gyuunyuuya] dairy
巨乳[kyonyuu] huge breasts
凝乳[gyounyuu] curd
搾乳[sakunyuu] milking (a cow)
授乳[junyuu] breast-feeding
初乳[shonyuu] colostrum
鐘乳石[shounyuuseki] stalactite
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
winding; reel; spin; turn (pages); look up; refer to

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Popularity rank: 872 Pinyin: qiāo, zǎo Korean: jo Hán-Việt: sào
Stroke counts: 19 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-6-13


絡繰[karakuri] mechanism
引っ手繰り[hittakuri] purse snatching
遣り繰り[yarikuri] making do
引繰り返る[hikkurikaeru] to be overturned
引っ手繰る[hittakuru] to snatch (steal) from
勘繰る[kanguru] to be suspicious of (someone's motives)
繰越す[kurikosu] to carry forward (i.e. on a balance sheet)
繰延べ[kurinobe] postponement
繰延べる[kurinoberu] to postpone
繰下げる[kurisageru] to defer
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0