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Search Kanji for 世事に疎い

generation; world; society; public

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Popularity rank: 135 Pinyin: shì Korean: se Hán-Việt: thế
Stroke counts: 5 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 4-4-4


御世辞[oseji] flattery
御世話になる[osewaninaru] to receive favor (favour)
一世紀[isseiki] century
永世[eisei] eternity
永世中立[eiseichuuritsu] permanent neutrality
永世中立国[eiseichuuritsukoku] permanent neutral country
厭世[ensei] pessimism
厭世家[enseika] pessimist
厭世観[enseikan] pessimistic view of life
厭世主義[enseishugi] pessimism
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
matter; thing; fact; business; reason; possibly

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Popularity rank: 18 Pinyin: shì Korean: sa Hán-Việt: sự
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 4-8-3


お大事に[odaijini] take care of yourself
事がある[kotogaaru] (something) has occurred
事にすると[kotonisuruto] perhaps
事になる[kotoninaru] it has been decided (so) that
事によって[kotoniyotte] via
どうという事もない[doutoiukotomonai] nothing special
悪事[akuji] evil deed
暗殺事件[ansatsujiken] assassination
囲み記事[kakomikiji] (newspaper) column
遺事[iji] reminiscences
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
alienate; rough; neglect; shun; sparse

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Popularity rank: 1572 Pinyin: shū Korean: so Hán-Việt:
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-4-7


意志の疎通[ishinosotsuu] mutual understanding
過疎[kaso] depopulation
共同疎開[kyoudousokai] community evacuation
空疎[kuuso] vain
世事に疎い[sejiniutoi] inexperienced
疎い[utoi] distant
疎か[orosoka] neglect
疎ましい[utomashii] disagreeable
疎む[utomu] to neglect
疎ら[mabara] sparse
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0