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Search Kanji for 不揮発性化

negative; non-; bad; ugly; clumsy

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Popularity rank: 101 Pinyin: bù, bú Korean: bu, bul Hán-Việt: bất, phầu, phủ, phi, phu
Stroke counts: 4 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 3-3-1


不悪[ashikarazu] don't get me wrong, but ...
意識不明[ishikifumei] unconscious
一心不乱[isshinfuran] wholeheartedly
一定不変[itteifuhen] invariable
運動不足[undoubusoku] insufficient exercise
栄養不足[eiyoubusoku] malnutrition
過不足[kafusoku] excess or deficiency
回復不可能[kaifukufukanou] non-recoverable
気不味い[kimazui] unpleasant
健康不安[kenkoufuan] poor health
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
change; take the form of; influence; enchant; delude; -ization

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Popularity rank: 89 Pinyin: huà Korean: hwa Hán-Việt:
Stroke counts: 4 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-2-2


御化け[obake] goblin
御化け屋敷[obakeyashiki] haunted house
胡麻化し[gomakashi] hanky-panky
イオン化[ionka] ionization
カスタム化[kasutamuka] customization
コンピュータ化[konpyuutaka] computerization
シアン化合物[shiankagoubutsu] cyanide
シアン化物[shiankabutsu] cyanide
スリム化[surimuka] thinning
パーソナル化[paasonaruka] personalization
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
sex; gender; nature

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Popularity rank: 104 Pinyin: xìng Korean: seong Hán-Việt: tính
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 5 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-1-7


アルカリ性[arukarisei] alkalinity
悪性[akushou] evil nature
悪性[akusei] malignancy
悪性リンパしゅ[akuseirinpashu] malignant lymphoma
悪性腫瘍[akuseishuyou] malignant tumor
悪性度[akuseido] malignancy
圧縮性[asshukusei] compressibility
圧迫性[appakusei] compression
安全性[anzensei] safety
安定性[anteisei] stability
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
brandish; wave; wag; swing; shake

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Popularity rank: 946 Pinyin: huī Korean: hwi Hán-Việt: huy
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 6 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-3-9


揮発[kihatsu] volatilization
揮発性[kihatsusei] volatile
揮発度[kihatsudo] volatility
揮発物質[kihatsubusshitsu] volatile substance
揮発油[kihatsuyu] gasoline
指揮[shiki] command
指揮官[shikikan] commander
指揮者[shikisha] (musical) conductor
指揮所[shikijo] command post
指揮所演習[shikijoenshuu] command post exercise
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
departure; discharge; publish; emit; start from; disclose; counter for gunshots

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Popularity rank: 32 Pinyin: Korean: bal Hán-Việt: phát
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 2-5-4


インフラ開発[infurakaihatsu] infrastructure development
エンジン発動機[enjinhatsudouki] engine
バス発着場[basuhacchakujou] depot
発条[bane] spring (e.g. coil, leaf)
ロケット発射筒[rokettohasshatou] rocket launcher
異常発生[ijouhassei] plague
一触即発[isshokusokuhatsu] critical (touch and go) situation
一念発起[ichinenhokki] being resolved to (do something)
一発[ippatsu] one shot
一発かます[ippatsukamasu] to hit someone
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0