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Search Kanji for 不利益

negative; non-; bad; ugly; clumsy

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Popularity rank: 101 Pinyin: bù, bú Korean: bu, bul Hán-Việt: bất, phầu, phủ, phi, phu
Stroke counts: 4 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 3-3-1


不悪[ashikarazu] don't get me wrong, but ...
意識不明[ishikifumei] unconscious
一心不乱[isshinfuran] wholeheartedly
一定不変[itteifuhen] invariable
運動不足[undoubusoku] insufficient exercise
栄養不足[eiyoubusoku] malnutrition
過不足[kafusoku] excess or deficiency
回復不可能[kaifukufukanou] non-recoverable
気不味い[kimazui] unpleasant
健康不安[kenkoufuan] poor health
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
profit; advantage; benefit

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Popularity rank: 203 Pinyin: Korean: ri Hán-Việt: lợi
Stroke counts: 7 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-5-2


我利勉[gariben] drudge
利かん気[kikanki] daring
英吉利[igirisu] Great Britain
伊太利[itarii] Italy
豪太剌利[oosutoraria] Australia
墺太利[oosutoria] Austria
寒武利亜[kanburia] Cambria (old name for Wales)
鬼利死丹[kirishitan] early Japanese Christianity (from the later Muromachi period)
智利[chiri] Chile
匈牙利[hangarii] Hungary
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
benefit; gain; profit; advantage

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Popularity rank: 674 Pinyin: Korean: ig Hán-Việt: ích
Stroke counts: 10 Grade level: 5 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 2-5-5


益金[ekikin] profit
益虫[ekichuu] useful insect
益鳥[ekichou] beneficial bird
益友[ekiyuu] good friend
過剰利益[kajourieki] excess profit
共益[kyoueki] common profit
共益費[kyouekihi] monthly fee for common areas of an apartment building (lighting, etc.)
権益[keneki] (one's) interests
公益[koueki] public
公益事業[kouekijigyou] public utilities
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0