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Search Kanji for 三題噺咄


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Popularity rank: 14 Pinyin: sān Korean: sam Hán-Việt: tam, tám
Stroke counts: 3 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 2-1-2


御三時[osanji] three-o'clock snack
三鞭酒[shanpen] champagne
球面三角法[kyuumensankakuhou] spherical trigonometry
胸三寸[munesanzun] heart
元三[ganzan] New Year's period (January 1st to 3rd)
五十三次[gojuusantsugi] the 53 Toukaidou stages
向こう三軒[mukousangen] one's next three neighbors
降三世明王[gouzanzemyouou] Trailokyavijaya Vidya-raja
再三[saisan] again and again
再三再四[saisansaishi] repeatedly
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
pshaw; god forbid

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Pinyin: duō, duò Korean: dol Hán-Việt: đốt
Stroke counts: 8 Skip code: 1-3-5


小咄[shouwa] anecdote
咄す[hanasu] to talk
咄家[hanashika] professional comic (rakugo) storyteller
咄嗟[tossa] moment
咄嗟に[tossani] at once
夜咄[yobanashi] night chat
咄咄[totsutotsu] (tongue) clicking
三題咄[sandaibanashi] performing a rakugo story on the spot based on three topics given by the audience
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
talk; (kokuji)

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Popularity rank: 2308 Pinyin: Korean: sin Hán-Việt:
Stroke counts: 16 Skip code: 1-3-13


御伽噺[otogibanashi] fairy-tale
仕形噺[shikatabanashi] talking with gestures
人情噺[ninjoubanashi] love story
噺家[hanashika] professional comic (rakugo) storyteller
辻噺[tsujibanashi] stories (esp. war stories) or lectures told by someone near a road or temple while begging for money
三題噺[sandaibanashi] performing a rakugo story on the spot based on three topics given by the audience
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
topic; subject

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Popularity rank: 96 Pinyin: Korean: je Hán-Việt: đề
Stroke counts: 18 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 3-9-9


飲み放題[nomihoudai] all you can drink
演習問題[enshuumondai] practice problem
演題[endai] subject of an address
応用問題[ouyoumondai] application problem
歌題[kadai] name of poem
課題[kadai] subject
画題[gadai] motif
解題[kaidai] synopsis
改題[kaidai] changing a title
外交問題[gaikoumondai] diplomatic issue
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0