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Search Kanji for 一喜憂

one; one radical (no.1)

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Popularity rank: 2 Pinyin: Korean: il Hán-Việt: nhất
Stroke counts: 1 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 4-1-4


ちょっと一杯[chottoippai] let's have a quick drink
ばつ一[batsuichi] being once divorced
一向[hitaburu] nothing but
サラダ一皿[saradahitosara] plate of salad
安全第一[anzendaiichi] safety first
一か八か[ichikabachika] sink or swim
一っ走り[hitoppashiri] spin (as in 'take a car for a spin')
一つ一つ[hitotsuhitotsu] one-by-one
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
rejoice; take pleasure in

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Popularity rank: 769 Pinyin: Korean: heui Hán-Việt: hỉ, hí, hi
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 2-3-9


一喜一憂[ikkiichiyuu] now rejoicing, now worrying
歓喜[kanki] delight
甘言は偶人を喜ばす[kangenhaguujinwoyorokobasu] sweet words only please a fool (prov)
喜がる[yogaru] to satisfy oneself
喜の字[kinoji] 77th birthday
喜び勇む[yorokobiisamu] to be in high spirits
喜ぶ[yorokobu] to be delighted
喜んで[yorokonde] with pleasure ...
喜悦[kietsu] joy
喜歌う[yorokobiutau] to rejoice and sing
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
melancholy; grieve; lament; be anxious; sad; unhappy

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Popularity rank: 1625 Pinyin: yōu Korean: u Hán-Việt: ưu
Stroke counts: 15 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 2-8-7


一喜一憂[ikkiichiyuu] now rejoicing, now worrying
内憂[naiyuu] internal or domestic troubles
内憂外患[naiyuugaikan] troubles both at home and abroad
もの憂い[monoui] languid
憂い[ui] unhappy
憂い[urei] sorrow
憂い顔[ureigao] sad face
憂い悩む[ureinayamu] to be grievously troubled
憂さを晴らしに[usawoharashini] for amusement
憂欝症[yuuutsushou] melancholia
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0