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Search Kanji for 障子紙

child; sign of the rat; 11PM-1AM; first sign of Chinese zodiac

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Popularity rank: 72 Pinyin: zǐ, zí, zi Korean: ja Hán-Việt: tử, tí
Stroke counts: 3 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 4-2-1


雨子[amago] land-locked variety of red-spotted masu trout (Oncorhynchus masou ishikawae)
御菓子[okashi] confections
お子さん[okosan] (someone else's) child
お子様[okosama] child (someone else's)
山梔子[kuchinashi] Cape jasmine (Gardenia jasminoides)
させ子[saseko] whore
梃子摺る[tekozuru] to have much trouble
螺子回し[nejimawashi] screwdriver
硝子[garasu] glass
獅子女[sufinkusu] sphinx
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0

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Popularity rank: 559 Pinyin: zhǐ Korean: ji Hán-Việt: chỉ
Stroke counts: 10 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 1-6-4


インディア紙[indiakami] India paper
クラフト紙[kurafutoshi] craft paper
ケント紙[kentoshi] Kent paper
リトマス試験紙[ritomasushikenshi] litmus paper
一紙半銭[isshihansen] small sum
陰画紙[ingashi] (photographic) printing paper
印刷紙[insatsushi] printing paper
印紙[inshi] (revenue) stamp
烏紙[karasugami] coarse dark-brown paper
黄表紙[kibyoushi] illustrated storybook with yellow covers (Edo period)
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
hinder; hurt; harm

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Popularity rank: 742 Pinyin: zhàng Korean: jang Hán-Việt: chướng
Stroke counts: 14 Grade level: 6 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-3-11


エンジン故障[enjinkoshou] engine failure
安全保障[anzenhoshou] security guarantee (e.g. military security, network security, etc.)
安全保障条約[anzenhoshoujouyaku] US-Japan Security Treaty
画障[gashou] pictured paper doors
気に障る[kinisawaru] to hurt one's feelings
気障[kiza] affected
血行障害[kekkoushougai] disturbance (blockage) of blood flow
故障[koshou] break-down
黒内障[kokunaishou] black cataract
差し障り[sashisawari] offence
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0