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Search Kanji for 藪枯らし

wither; die; dry up; be seasoned

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Popularity rank: 1749 Pinyin: Korean: go Hán-Việt: khô
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-4-5


栄枯[eiko] vicissitudes
栄枯盛衰[eikoseisui] ups and downs of life
黄枯茶[kigaracha] bluish yellow
夏枯れ[natsugare] summer slump
枯らびる[karabiru] to dry up
乾枯[kanko] completely drying up
枯らす[karasu] to let dry
枯れる[kareru] to wither (of a plant)
枯枝[kareeda] dead branch (or twig, etc.)
枯れ野[kareno] desolate field
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
thicket; bush; underbrush; grove

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Pinyin: sǒu Korean: su Hán-Việt: tẩu
Stroke counts: 19 Skip code: 2-4-15


竹藪[takeyabu] bamboo grove
八幡の不知藪[yawatanoyabushirazu] labyrinth
八幡知藪[yawatashirazu] labyrinth
藪をつついて蛇を出す[yabuwotsutsuitehebiwodasu] to stir up trouble for oneself
藪蛇[yabuhebi] unnecessary trouble brought upon oneself
藪医者[yabuisha] (medical) quack
藪睨み[yabunirami] squint
藪から棒に[yabukarabouni] unexpectedly
藪の中[yabunonaka] inability to discern the truth due to conflicting testimony (name derived the Akutagawa Ryuunosuke story "In A Grove")
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0