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Search Kanji for 藤五郎鰯頭


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Popularity rank: 31 Pinyin: Korean: o Hán-Việt: ngũ
Stroke counts: 4 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 4-4-1


九寸五分[kusungobu] dagger
弦楽五重奏曲[gengakugojuusoukyoku] string quintet
五つ[itsutsu] five
五つ子[itsutsugo] quintuplets
五悪[goaku] the five sins in Buddhism (murder, theft, adultery, falsehood and drink)
五音々階[goononkai] pentatonic scale
五戒[gokai] the five precepts (prohibitions against killing, theft, sexual misconduct, lying and intemperance)
五官[gokan] the five sense organs
五感[gokan] the five senses

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Popularity rank: 291 Pinyin: téng Korean: deung Hán-Việt: đằng
Stroke counts: 18 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 2-3-15


葛藤[kattou] conflict
藤色[fujiiro] light purple
藤棚[fujidana] wisteria trellis
藤蔓[fujizuru] wisteria vine
藤氏[toushi] Fujiwara family
藤本[touhon] climbing trees
上り藤[noborifuji] lupine
藤袴[fujibakama] thoroughwort (species of boneset, Eupatorium fortunei)
藤原時代[fujiwarajidai] Fujiwara period (esp. used as a period of art history, approx. 894-1185 CE)
son; counter for sons

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Popularity rank: 569 Pinyin: láng, làng Korean: rang Hán-Việt: lang
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-6-2


プー太郎[puutarou] vagabond
悪太郎[akutarou] bad boy
一姫二太郎[ichihimenitarou] It's good to have a girl first and then a boy
下郎[gerou] servant
外郎[uirou] sweet rice jelly
女郎[jorou] prostitute (esp. Edo period)
女郎花[ominaeshi] golden lace (Patrinia scabiosifolia)
新郎[shinrou] bridegroom
新郎新婦[shinroushinpu] bride and groom
バカ野郎[bakayarou] idiot
head; counter for large animals

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Popularity rank: 433 Pinyin: tóu, tou Korean: du Hán-Việt: đầu
Stroke counts: 16 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 1-7-9


データの先頭[deetanosentou] beginning of data
一頭[ittou] one large animal (horses, cattle, etc.)
一頭立て[ittoudate] one-horse (carriage)
咽頭[intou] pharynx
駅頭[ekitou] station
音頭[ondo] leading a group of people
会頭[kaitou] society president
街頭[gaitou] in the street
核弾頭[kakudantou] nuclear warhead
巻頭[kantou] opening page of book
sardine; (kokuji)

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Pinyin: ruò Korean: yag Hán-Việt:
Stroke counts: 21 Grade level: 9 Skip code: 1-11-10


片口鰯[katakuchiiwashi] Japanese anchovy (Engraulis japonica)
鰯雲[iwashigumo] cirro-cumulus
潤目鰯[urumeiwashi] round herring (Etrumeus teres)
畳鰯[tatamiiwashi] sheet of dried sardines
赤鰯[akaiwashi] pickled or dried sardines
干鰯[hoshika] dried sardine
鰯鯨[iwashikujira] sei whale (Balaenoptera borealis)
小鰯鯨[koiwashikujira] minke whale
真鰯[maiwashi] Japanese pilchard