祓い清める[haraikiyomeru] to purify お祓い[oharai] exorcism rite 修祓[shubatsu] purification rite (esp. one held prior to a Shinto event) 大祓い[ooharae] great purification 禊祓[misogiharae] form of Shinto purification
祓う[harau] to exorcise 名越しの祓[nagoshinoharae] summer purification rites (held at shrines on the last day of the 6th lunar month) 善祓[yoshiharae] purification to invite good fortune 悪祓[ashiharae] purification to cleanse one of sin
禊祓[misogiharae] form of Shinto purification 禊萩[misohagi] Lythrum anceps (species of loosestrife closely related to purple loosestrife, Lythrum salicaria)