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Search Kanji for 悪事千里

matter; thing; fact; business; reason; possibly

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Popularity rank: 18 Pinyin: shì Korean: sa Hán-Việt: sự
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 4-8-3


お大事に[odaijini] take care of yourself
事がある[kotogaaru] (something) has occurred
事にすると[kotonisuruto] perhaps
事になる[kotoninaru] it has been decided (so) that
事によって[kotoniyotte] via
どうという事もない[doutoiukotomonai] nothing special
悪事[akuji] evil deed
暗殺事件[ansatsujiken] assassination
囲み記事[kakomikiji] (newspaper) column
遺事[iji] reminiscences
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0

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Popularity rank: 195 Pinyin: qiān Korean: cheon Hán-Việt: thiên
Stroke counts: 3 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 4-3-3


一騎当千[ikkitousen] being a match for a thousand
一刻千金[ikkokusenkin] every moment is precious
一字千金[ichijisenkin] word of great value
一千[issen] 1,000
一望千里[ichibousenri] sweeping view of the eye
一瀉千里[isshasenri] one swift effort
引き千切る[hikichigiru] to tear off
何千[nanzen] many thousands
海千山千[umisenyamasen] sly old dog
幾千[ikusen] thousands
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
bad; vice; rascal; false; evil; wrong

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Popularity rank: 530 Pinyin: è, ě, wù Korean: ag, o Hán-Việt: ác
Stroke counts: 11 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 2-7-4


悪どい[akudoi] gaudy
悪い[warui] bad
悪く言う[warukuiu] to deprecate
悪さ[warusa] badness
悪し[ashi] evil
不悪[ashikarazu] don't get me wrong, but ...
悪し様に[ashizamani] unfavorably
悪たれ[akutare] rowdiness
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
ri; village; parent's home; league

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Popularity rank: 1096 Pinyin: Korean: ri Hán-Việt:
Stroke counts: 7 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 4-7-1


巴里[pari] Paris (France)
一望千里[ichibousenri] sweeping view of the eye
一里[ichiri] 2.44 miles
一里塚[ichirizuka] milestone (1 ri apart)
一瀉千里[isshasenri] one swift effort
加里[kari] potassium
郷里[kyouri] birth-place
五里霧中[gorimuchuu] totally at a loss
人里[hitozato] human habitation
人里はなれた[hitozatohanareta] lonely (place)
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0