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Search Kanji for 徹する

penetrate; clear; pierce; strike home; sit up (all night)

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Popularity rank: 968 Pinyin: chè Korean: cheol Hán-Việt: triệt
Stroke counts: 15 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-3-12


一徹[ittetsu] obstinate
一徹者[ittetsumono] stubborn person
貫徹[kantetsu] accomplishment
周知徹底[shuuchitettei] (something) known to all
初志貫徹[shoshikantetsu] carrying out one's original intention
徹す[toosu] to stick through
徹る[tooru] to go by
徹甲弾[tekkoudan] armor piercing ammunition
徹宵[tesshou] all night
徹底[tettei] thoroughness
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