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Search Kanji for 廬山会議

meeting; meet; party; association; interview; join

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Popularity rank: 4 Pinyin: huì, kuài Korean: hoe, goe, gwal Hán-Việt: hội, cối
Stroke counts: 6 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 2-3-3


カード会員[kaadokaiin] (credit) card holder
ユダヤ教会堂[yudayakyoukaidou] synagogue
委員会[iinkai] committee
医会[ikai] medical society
医師会[ishikai] medical association
井戸端会議[idobatakaigi] content-free chat
育英会[ikueikai] scholarship society
一期一会[ichigoichie] once-in-a-lifetime encounter (hence should be cherished as such)
一般会計[ippankaikei] general accounting and finance
一般社会[ippanshakai] general public
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Popularity rank: 131 Pinyin: shān Korean: san Hán-Việt: san, sơn
Stroke counts: 3 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 4-3-2


山梔子[kuchinashi] Cape jasmine (Gardenia jasminoides)
悪巫山戯[warufuzake] prank
安土桃山時代[azuchimomoyamajidai] Azuchi-Momoyama period (approx. 1558-1600 CE)
案山子[kakashi] scarecrow
奥山[okuyama] remote mountain
岡山県[okayamaken] Okayama prefecture (Chuugoku area)
下山[gezan] descending (mountain)
夏山[natsuyama] summery mountain
火山[kazan] volcano
火山灰[kazanbai] volcanic ash
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Pinyin: Korean: ryeo Hán-Việt:
Stroke counts: 19 Skip code: 3-3-16


出廬[shutsuro] coming out of retirement
毘廬遮那仏[birushanabutsu] Vairocana-Buddha
廬山会議[rozankaigi] Lushan Conference (1959 meeting of the Communist Party of China to discuss the Great Leap Forward)
廬舎[rosha] small house
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deliberation; consultation; debate; consideration

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Popularity rank: 25 Pinyin: Korean: eui Hán-Việt: nghị
Stroke counts: 20 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-7-13


異議[igi] objection
異議なく[iginaku] without demur
井戸端会議[idobatakaigi] content-free chat
一議[ichigi] word (opinion, objection)
円卓会議[entakukaigi] round-table conference
横議[ougi] arguing persistently
下院議[kaingi] lower house (of Parliament, etc.)
下院議員[kaingiin] member of the lower house
下院議長[kaingichou] Speaker of the House (US, etc.)
下協議[shitakyougi] preliminary conference
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