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Search Kanji for 店蜘蛛

store; shop

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Popularity rank: 378 Pinyin: diàn Korean: jeom Hán-Việt: điếm
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 3-3-5


飲食店[inshokuten] restaurant
加盟店[kameiten] participating store
果実店[kajitsuten] fruit store
開店[kaiten] opening (of a shop)
各店[kakuten] each shop
割烹店[kappouten] restaurant
喫茶店[kissaten] coffee lounge
呉服店[gofukuten] dry-goods store
広告代理店[koukokudairiten] advertising firm
支店[shiten] branch office

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Pinyin: zhū Korean: ju Hán-Việt: chu, thù
Stroke counts: 12 Skip code: 1-6-6


蜘蛛[kumo] spider
毒蜘蛛[dokugumo] poisonous spider
蜘蛛膜[kumomaku] the arachnoid (membrane)
蜘蛛膜下出血[kumomakukashukketsu] subarachnoid hemorrhage
女郎蜘蛛[jorougumo] Nephila clavata (an Oriental species of golden orb-weaving spider)
蜘蛛の巣[kumonosu] spiderweb
海蜘蛛[umigumo] sea spider
蜘蛛の子を散らす[kumonokowochirasu] to scatter in all directions (like baby spiders)
水蜘蛛[mizugumo] water spider (Argyroneta aquatica)
黄金蜘蛛[koganegumo] Argiope amoena (an Oriental species of orb-weaving spider)

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Pinyin: zhī Korean: ji Hán-Việt: tri
Stroke counts: 14 Skip code: 1-6-8


蜘蛛[kumo] spider
毒蜘蛛[dokugumo] poisonous spider
蜘蛛膜[kumomaku] the arachnoid (membrane)
蜘蛛膜下出血[kumomakukashukketsu] subarachnoid hemorrhage
女郎蜘蛛[jorougumo] Nephila clavata (an Oriental species of golden orb-weaving spider)
蜘蛛の巣[kumonosu] spiderweb
海蜘蛛[umigumo] sea spider
蜘蛛の子を散らす[kumonokowochirasu] to scatter in all directions (like baby spiders)
水蜘蛛[mizugumo] water spider (Argyroneta aquatica)
黄金蜘蛛[koganegumo] Argiope amoena (an Oriental species of orb-weaving spider)