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Search Kanji for 下弦月

below; down; descend; give; low; inferior

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Popularity rank: 97 Pinyin: xià Korean: ha Hán-Việt:
Stroke counts: 3 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 4-3-1


お下げ[osage] wearing one's hair in braids
御覧下さい[gorankudasai] please look at it
ぶら下がる[burasagaru] to hang from
ぶら下げる[burasageru] to hang
こき下ろす[kokiorosu] to denounce
案下[anka] under the table
已下[ige] not exceeding
以下の通り[ikanotoori] as below
胃下垂[ikasui] gastroptosis
一枚下[ichimaishita] one step lower
bowstring; chord; hypotenuse

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Popularity rank: 1773 Pinyin: xián Korean: hyeon Hán-Việt: huyền
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-3-5


ギターの弦[gitaanogen] guitar string
一弦琴[ichigenkin] single-stringed Japanese zither
下弦[kagen] (moon's) last quarter
下弦の月[kagennotsuki] waning moon
管弦[kangen] wind and string instruments
管弦楽[kangengaku] orchestral music
管弦楽団[kangengakudan] orchestra
弓弦[yumizuru] bowstring
弦音[tsuruoto] sound of vibrating bowstring
弦楽[gengaku] music for strings
month; moon

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Popularity rank: 23 Pinyin: yuè Korean: weol Hán-Việt: nguyệt
Stroke counts: 4 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 4-4-1


1月[ichigatsu] January
ひと月[ichigetsu] one month
下弦の月[kagennotsuki] waning moon
何ヶ月[nankagetsu] how many months?
何月[nangatsu] what month
佳月[kagetsu] good month
か月[kagetsu] (number of) months
花鳥風月[kachoufuugetsu] beauties of nature
各月[kakugetsu] every month
隔月[kakugetsu] every second month