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iki 通過 tsūka

  1. Words

Definition of 高域通過

つうか(tsuuka) 通過

通過 Kanji

  1. (n, vs) passage through (e.g. train skipping a station); transit
  2. passing (e.g. exam, bill through parliament)
たか(taka) · だか(daka)

高 Kanji

  1. (n, n-suf) quantity; amount; volume; number; amount of money

    We will play Minami High School tomorrow.


域 Kanji

  1. (n) region; limits; stage; level

高 Kanji

  1. (suf) High (abbreviation of "High School" following a school's name) →Related words: 高等学校
  2. (pref) high- →Related words: 高レベル

Words related to 高域通過