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It seems that your search contains the following:

趣向 shukō kogo

  1. Words

Definition of 趣向凝

こごる(kogoru) 凝る

凝 Kanji

  1. (v5r, vi) to congeal; to freeze

    He always listens to serious music.

こる(koru) 凝る

凝 Kanji

  1. (v5r, vi) to grow stiff
  2. to be absorbed in; to be devoted to; to be a fanatic; to elaborate
しゅこう(shukou) 趣向

趣向 Kanji

  1. (n) plan; idea
しこる(shikoru) 凝る ·痼る

凝痼 Kanji

  1. (v5r, vi) to stiffen; to harden