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shin hagi kaji

  1. Words

Definition of 親脛齧囓

  1. (n) negative (static) charge; negative electric charge; (sometimes called "negative electricity")
おや(oya) ·

親祖 Kanji

  1. (n) parent; parents
  2. dealer (in cards)
  3. founder
  4. (pet) owner
  1. (n) positive electric charge; positive (static) charge; (sometimes called "positive electricity")
かわ(kawa) · がわ(gawa) ·

川河 Kanji

  1. (n) river; stream

    This river is three times longer than that one.

  2. (suf) the .... river; (suffix used with the names of rivers)

    Which is longer, the Shinano River or the Agano River?

すね(sune) · はぎ(hagi) ·

脛臑 Kanji

  1. (n) shin; shank; lower leg

    She's still dependent on her parents.

  1. (v5r, vt) to chew; to bite (at); to gnaw; to nibble; to munch; to crunch; to have a smattering of

    The dog bit meat off the bone.

  2. to dabble in (e.g. hobby, instrument)
  1. (n) positive electric charge; positive (static) charge; (sometimes called "positive electricity")
あかむし(akamushi) 赤虫

赤虫 Kanji

  1. (n) Halla okadai (species of eunicid worm used as fishing bait)
  2. (species of eunicid worm used as fishing bait) →Related words: 揺蚊
  3. red mite (i.e. a chigger) →Related words: 恙虫
にょぜ(nyoze) 如是

如是 Kanji

  1. (n) (Buddh) ("like this"; often the opening word of a sutra) →Related words: 如是我聞
  2. ten thusnesses (in Tendai) →Related words: 十如是
  1. (n) (designated hitter - baseball)
  1. (n) locked up feeling; cooped up feeling; feeling of entrapment; (feeling of hopelessness); being in a bind
  1. (n) miniature Chusan palm (Trachycarpus wagnerianus); (poss. Trachycarpus fortunei)

親 Kanji

  1. (n) intimacy; closeness; friendliness

    Anna married without the knowledge of her parents.

  2. close relative
  3. (n-pref) pro- (e.g. pro-American, pro-Japanese, etc.) →Related words: 親米 , 親アラブ
とっけつ(tokketsu) 突厥

突厥 Kanji

  1. (n) Gokturks; Sky Turks; Tujue; (powerful Turkic confederation from medieval Inner Asia)