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萌黄 moegi shoku negi megumu ki

  1. Words

Definition of 萌黄色葱萠木


色 Kanji

  1. (n) colour; color
  2. complexion

    Who does not love wine, women and song; remains a fool his whole life long.

  3. appearance; look
  4. love; lust; sensuality; love affair; lover →Related words: 色仕掛け
  5. kind; type; variety
ねぎ(negi) · (ki) · ネギ(negi)

葱 Kanji

  1. (n) Welsh onion (species of scallion, Allium fistulosum); green onion; spring onion

    I left some scallions out on the veranda for too long and they dried out.

(ki) ·

木樹 Kanji

  1. (n) tree; wood; timber

色 Kanji

  1. (ctr) counter for colours

木 Kanji

  1. (n) Thursday →Related words: 木曜

    The tree was heavy with fruit.

  2. wood (first of the five elements) →Related words: 五行

色 Kanji

  1. (n) (Buddh) rupa (form) →Related words: 五蘊
  2. visible objects (i.e. color and form)
もえぎ(moegi) · もよぎ(moyogi) 萌葱 ·萌黄 ·萠黄

萌葱黄萠 Kanji

  1. (n) light yellowish green; color of a freshly sprouted onion →Related words: 萌黄色