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akane sa sora

  1. Words

Definition of 茜差空

あかね(akane) · アカネ(akane)

茜 Kanji

  1. (n) madder (esp. Japanese madder, Rubia argyi)
  2. madder (red color)

空 Kanji

  1. (n, adj-no) emptiness; vacuum; blank

    I need to put some gas in the car as it's almost empty.

そら(sora) ·

空虚 Kanji

  1. (n) sky; the heavens

差 Kanji

  1. (n, n-suf) difference; variation
うろ(uro) · うつお(utsuo) · うつほ(utsuho) · うつせ(utsuse) · ·

虚空洞 Kanji

  1. (n) hollow; cavity; hole

空 Kanji

  1. (n) empty air; sky
  2. (Buddh) shunya (emptiness, the lack of an immutable intrinsic nature within any phemomenon)
  3. air force →Related words: 空軍
  4. (n, adj-na) fruitlessness; meaninglessness
  5. void (one of the five elements) →Related words: 五大
さし(sashi) · サシ(sashi) 差し ·指し · ·

差指 Kanji

  1. (n) between (e.g. two people); face to face

    I caught my finger in the door.

  2. hindrance; impediment
  3. (music) arrhythmic section of recitative in Noh music
  4. (pref) prefix used for stress or emphasis
  5. (ctr) counter for traditional dance songs