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It seems that your search contains the following:

目出度 medeta go me ai

  1. Words

Definition of 目出度御芽愛


愛 Kanji

  1. (n, n-suf) love; affection →Related words: 愛する

    Love moves in mysterious ways.


芽 Kanji

  1. (n) sprout
(go) · (o)

御 Kanji

  1. (pref) honourable; honorable
  1. (adj-i) happy; auspicious; propitious; joyous

    The affair will come to a happy conclusion.

  2. naive →Related words: おめでたい
おん(on) · ぎょ(gyo)

御 Kanji

  1. (pref) honorific prefix
  2. (pref, suf) imperial; emperor
(mi) · ·

御深美 Kanji

  1. (pref) august

    I am a lover of the beautiful.

  2. beautiful
おおみ(oomi) · おおん(oon) · おおむ(oomu) 大御 ·

大御 Kanji

  1. (pref) august (in ref. to the emperor or the gods); imperial; divine