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It seems that your search contains the following:

映画 eiga wo 楽しむ tanoshimu

  1. Words

Definition of 映画を楽しむ

えいが(eiga) 映画

映画 Kanji

  1. (n, adj-no) movie; film

    I want to see the movie again.

たのしむ(tanoshimu) 楽しむ ·楽む

楽 Kanji

  1. (v5m) to enjoy (oneself)

    Mr Grey did not enjoy his job.

  1. (prt) indicates direct object of action
  2. indicates subject of causative expression
  3. indicates an area traversed
  4. indicates time (period) over which action takes place
  5. indicates point of departure or separation of action
  6. indicates object of desire, like, hate, etc. →Related words: