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fu mawa

  1. Words

Definition of 振回

  1. (v5r, vi) to go around

    We will explore every planet that goes around the sun.

  2. to return
  3. to surround
  4. to concern (usu. of disputes) →Related words: を巡って

    Britain's currency crisis has turned into a political one over government failure to stop the pound from going into free-fall.

ふる(furu) 振る

振 Kanji

  1. (v5r, vt) to wave; to shake; to swing

    I shook my head a few times.

  2. to sprinkle; to throw (dice)
  3. to cast (actor); to allocate (work)
  4. to turn down (somebody); to reject; to jilt; to dump
  5. to abandon; to give up; to ruin
  6. to add kana indicating a reading of a word →Related words: 振り仮名
  7. to slightly change headings; to change directions
  8. to extract by broiling; to prepare an infusion of; to decoct
  9. to carry with great vigor (e.g. a portable shrine)
  10. to bring up the main topic
  11. to replace; to substitute
  12. to set up a joke for somebody else
まわる(mawaru) 回る ·廻る

回廻 Kanji

  1. (v5r, vi) to turn; to revolve →Related words: ぐるぐる

    The tourists wandered around the stores.

  2. to visit several places
  3. to function well

    Without him our company would cease to function.

  4. to pass a certain time

    He came a little after noon.

もとおる(motooru) 回る ·廻る

回廻 Kanji

  1. (v5r, vi) to wander around
ぶる(buru) 振る

振 Kanji

  1. (suf, v5r) assuming the air of ...; behaving like ...
  2. (v5r) to put on airs; to be self-important
みる(miru) 廻る ·回る

廻回 Kanji

  1. (v1) to go around

Words related to 振回