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te futokoro

  1. Words

Definition of 手懐

ふところ(futokoro) ·

懐懷 Kanji

  1. (n) bosom; bust

    But God the only begotten Son, who is at the Father's side, has made him known.

  2. (breast) pocket; purse; handbag

手 Kanji

  1. (n) hand; arm →Related words: お手

    I made motions at him to come here with my hand.

  2. forepaw; foreleg →Related words: お手
  3. handle
  4. hand; worker; help
  5. trouble; care; effort
  6. means; way; trick; move; technique; workmanship

    I hit upon a good idea.

  7. hand; handwriting
  8. kind; type; sort
  9. one's hands; one's possession →Related words: 手に入る

    Books are now within the reach of everybody.

  10. ability to cope →Related words: 手に余る

    They are out of hand.

  11. hand (of cards)

    I was dealt a good hand.

  12. direction →Related words: 山の手
  13. (n, n-suf, ctr) move (in go, shogi, etc.)

Words related to 手懐