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It seems that your search contains the following:

iku 欠点 ketten 有っ atu

  1. Words

Definition of 幾欠点有っ


幾 Kanji

  1. (n, pref) some; several

    To the white glass, I added glass of various colours, producing a pretty feel.

  2. many

    The Japanese distribution system, characterized by layers of wholesale, is complex and costly.

  3. how many?; how much?
けってん(ketten) 欠点

欠点 Kanji

  1. (n) faults; defect; weakness

    I love him despite his faults.

ある(aru) 在る ·有る

在有 Kanji

  1. (v5r-i, vi) to be (usu. of inanimate objects); to exist; to live →Related words: 居る
  2. to have

    I'm sorry, I have another engagement.

  3. to be located
  4. to be equipped with
  5. to happen; to come about
ほとほと(hotohoto) ·

殆幾 Kanji

  1. (adv) quite (usu. negative connotation); utterly; really

    The maid was dead tired of her household chores.