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toshi hyaku naka

  1. Words

Definition of 年百中


中 Kanji

  1. (n) inside; in

    My cousins are coming in a few days.

  2. among; within

    I've been nosing around the office trying to find out the news.

  3. center (centre); middle

    Bear in mind that that school is an integrated junior high and high school.

  4. during; while
うち(uchi) ·

内中 Kanji

  1. (n, adj-no) inside; within
  2. while
  3. among; amongst; between
  4. (pn, adj-no) we (referring to one's in-group, i.e. company, etc.); our →Related words:
  5. my spouse
  6. (n) imperial palace grounds
  7. emperor
  8. (pn, adj-no) I (primarily used by women and children); me
とし(toshi) ·

年歳 Kanji

  1. (n-adv, n) year
  2. (n) many years
  3. (suf, n) age
  4. (n-adv, n) past one's prime; old age
ひゃく(hyaku) · もも(momo)

百 Kanji

  1. (num) 100; hundred

    This is worth one million yen.


中 Kanji

  1. (suf) medium; average; middle →Related words:
  2. moderation
  3. middle school →Related words: 中一 , 中学校
  4. China →Related words: 中国
  5. (n-suf) in; out of (e.g. three out of ten people) →Related words:
  6. during (a certain time when one did or is doing something); under (construction, etc.); while →Related words: 話し中
じゅう(juu) · ぢゅう(juu)

中 Kanji

  1. (suf) through; throughout; in the course of
  2. all over or throughout (e.g. a place)

年 Kanji

  1. (n) year (e.g. AD)

    The date on the calendar was September 23, 1964.

  2. (ctr) counter for years

    Might I ask your age?

とせ(tose) ·

年歳 Kanji

  1. (ctr) counter for years (following a number in the hito-futa-mi counting system)