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shō hashi

  1. Words

Definition of 小走

  1. (v5r, vi) to run

    Look at that boy running.

  2. to travel (movement of vehicles)

    This train runs between Tokyo and Osaka.

  3. to hurry to
  4. to retreat (from battle); to take flight
  5. to run away from home
  6. to elope
  7. to tend heavily toward

    Editors often go to extremes in providing their readers with unimportant facts.


小 Kanji

  1. (n, n-pref) smallness; small item
  2. short month (i.e. having fewer than 31 days) →Related words: 小の月
  3. elementary school →Related words: 小学校
  4. younger or inferior (of two items or people with the same name)
  5. unit of field area (approx. 400 sq m)

小 Kanji

  1. (pref) small; little; slight →Related words: 小皿
  2. slightly less than; just about →Related words: 小半日 ,
  3. somewhat; somehow →Related words: こざっぱり
  4. minor (sometimes derogatory); petty →Related words: 小役人

小 Kanji

  1. (pref) small; narrow →Related words: 小川
  2. familiar prefix →Related words: 小野
  3. slightly; a bit →Related words: 小暗い
ささ(sasa) · さざ(saza) ·

細小 Kanji

  1. (pref) small; little →Related words: さざ波

小 Kanji

  1. (suf) small; little; dear (figurative sense)
(sa) ·

狭小 Kanji

  1. (pref) narrow; thin

Words related to 小走