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It seems that your search contains the following:

人事 jinji 訴訟 soshō ken

  1. Words

Definition of 人事訴訟件


件 Kanji

  1. (adj-no) the aforementioned; the said; (man, incident, etc.) in question; the above-mentioned; the aforesaid

    I agree with you on this issue.

  2. the usual

    With 19 cases of death forming over 20% of the whole, the grave reality of overwork-deaths has been thrown into relief.


件 Kanji

  1. (n) matter; case; item
  2. (ctr) counter for cases, matters, etc.
じんじ(jinji) 人事

人事 Kanji

  1. (n, adj-no) personnel affairs; human affairs; human resources; HR

    You look as if it were none of your business.

ひとごと(hitogoto) · たにんごと(taningoto) 人事 ·他人事

人事他 Kanji

  1. (n) other people's affairs; somebody else's problem
そしょう(soshou) 訴訟

訴訟 Kanji

  1. (n, vs, adj-no) litigation; lawsuit

    The judge in the case was not fair.

くだり(kudari) ·

件条 Kanji

  1. (n) passage; paragraph