赤身 Kanji
赤味 Kanji
東の空が赤みを帯びている。 There is a tinge of red in the eastern sky.
赤っ Kanji
赤味噌 Kanji
赤味帯 Kanji
朱鳥 Kanji
赤味掛 Kanji
家では赤味がかった髪とそばかすのせいで、母が侮蔑を込めて 「にんじん」と名付け、皆にもそう呼ばせています。 At home, because of his reddish hair and freckles, his mother scornfully named him "carrot" and had everybody else call him that.
赤身魚 Kanji
赤耳垂蜜吸 Kanji